The Annual Fund
Bright Minds Realized. Because of You.
Annual giving, especially unrestricted support, is the cornerstone of any school's operating budget. Sandhills Annual Fund supplements tuition income to provide for academic programs, extracurricular activities, and financial aid. In short, annual giving ensures continued excellence at Sandhills School.
For nearly 50 years, supporters like you have helped Sandhills transform frustrated students who learn differently into confident, successful self advocates and leaders.
Your investment reaps unimaginable benefits to realize the bright minds of all of our students.
Your support will enhance the Sandhills Experience for all students through:
- Faculty Development
- Visual & Performing Arts
- Technology in the Classroom
- Athletics & Activities
- Student Events
- Financial Aid
Giving Societies
Sandhills Visionary: $50,000 +
Sandhills Pacesetter: $20,000- $49,999
Sandhills Advocate: $10,00- $19,999
Sandhills Partner: $5,000- $9,999
Sandhills Patron: $1,970-$4,999
Sandhills Supporter: $200-$1,969
Annual Fund FAQs
- What is the Annual Fund?
- Why is the Annual Fund so important?
- Who participates in the annual fund?
- How much should I give to the Sandhills Annual Fund?
- What about my company's matching gift program?
What is the Annual Fund?
Why is the Annual Fund so important?
Who participates in the annual fund?
How much should I give to the Sandhills Annual Fund?
What about my company's matching gift program?
2023-2024 Giving Report
Sandhills Visionaries
The Darnall W. & Susan F. Boyd Foundation
Sandhills Advocates
Mrs. Barbara Irons
Chuck & Ethel MacInnis
Cyndi and Mikee Johnson
Sutton & Skip Shaw
Tiffany, Avent, & Mills Clark
Sandhills Partners
The George & Donna Lawson Foundation
Eric & Kate Beckner
Dr. James Buggy & Dr. Sally King
Boyer Construction
Bud & Genie Mann
Ann H Weldon
Midlands Gives Cheerful Giver
Sandhills Patrons
George & Ford Bailey
Ed & Yvette Bynum
Judy & Bubba Hope
Heather & Jeff Hopkins
Melanie & JC Huggins
Dr. Bill Mishoe & Wayne Martin
Michael & Sheila Thacker
White Pine Capital
Albert & Lane Whiteside
Bobby & Barbara Williams
Dr. Linda & Mr. Thom Salane
Erika Senneseth & George Kokolis
Pam & Buddy McEntire
Sandhills Supporters
Lambert Architecture
Parklane Seafood
Parklane Seafood Inc
Susan & Bill Kirkpatrick
Seth & Anna Rose
School Tool Box
Aimiee Jachym
Liz and Andy Hedgepath
June and Arthur Fusco
Barbara & James Frick
Beth & Matthew Richardson
Bettyann Walters
Erin & Brandon Mooring
Brenda Hyatt
Bryon & Shirley Lee
Cathy & Coker Price
Charlie & Joann Warner
Christopher and Lynn Land
Dan & Linda Davis
Daniel & Kathleen Lakatos
Capt. Daniel & Dr. Miriam Wilcox
Mr. David Aldrich & Mrs. Whitney Pressley
Sandhills Supporters
Mr. & Mrs. David Lockwood
Donald & Delores Hunt
Sharon & Drew Williams
Fitzhugh & Jessica King
Darby & Geordie Schroder
George & Eleanore Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Peterson
Ms. Gunn Bente Olsen
Ms. Hadley Wendling
Hank & Mary Kerfoot
Mr. Hugh Burkett & Mrs. Ursula Hermann
Mr. James Johnson & Kathy Chase-Johnson
Jamie & Andrea Martin
Mr. Jeff Williamson
The Clanton Family
Joan & Jim Gardner
Lourie Life & Health
Joel Lourie
John Monk & Jennifer Amor
John & Mary McCants
The Grabowski Family
Kathy Richardson
Keith & Blair Harris
Kelly & Leo Mauldin
Kennah & William Brearley
Mrs. Kim Demer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mauldin
Rachelle Gajadhar & Marc Bremmer
Marc van Essen& Jolanda van Staalduinen
Marcel & Cathy Bagley
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Hartzog
Ray & Karen Tanner
Ray & Karen Williamson
Mr. Rich Spicer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Betha Jr.
Sally & Bob McKenzie
Mr. Bob Welling
Ms. Robin Rawl
Mark & Robyn Lynn
Ron & Anne Hoffman
Sabine Lang
Sandhills Supporters
Sally Green & Tony Ryan
Sandy & Scotty Grigsby
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Lang
Dr. Stephen Van Horn
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Menchinger
Mr. Steven Junis
Ms. Suzanne Gwinner
Dr. Tad Whiteside
Teri Griffin
The Van de Walker Family
Thomas Wilson & Carol Pech
Tia & Seth Andersen
Mr. Tom Kosmata & Ms. Alisa Mosley
Tracie & Jordan Dickamore
The Roulot Family
William & Lib Peebles
Lucas & William Moorman
Wilmot & Jeannie Irvin
Daniel & Kathleen Lakatos
Danielle & Jacob Porter
Jon & Erica Ludovina
Jessica & James Smith
Michael & Cindy Cameron
Stephen & Deborah Palmer
Kerrie & Vincent DiMaria
Tony and Donna Longo
Bizzy & Stephen Stokes
Carmen & Odell Kennedy
Anne Vickers & Carl McIntosh
Mark & Judy Peterson
Martha O'Herlihy
Mervin & Nancy Kiryluik
Michele Nielsen
Ms. Nancy L. Glenz
Mr. Olav Olsen
Pam & Doug Morrow
Peggy McKoy
Pennay Brown
Peter & Pam Brown
Phillip Smith
Pick & Libby Lindsay
Sandhills Friends
Alison Huckaby
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffcoat
Andy & Donna Hasty
Ann & Ash Haase
Ann Wiles
Ann Harris
Ann Bailey
Ann Warner & Cody Towles
Ann Harriott Ervin
Bettie Stone
Beverly Bergeron
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Eccles
Birgit Doupnik
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Fancher
Bobby & Lory Thompson
Bobby & Paula Johnson
Box Tops for Education
Bridget Baker
Mrs. Britni Hartis
Mr. & Mrs. Evans Connelly IV
Carroll & Cheryl Camp
Charities Aid Foundation America
Dana & Chris Browy
Ms. Chris Cuoco
Scott & Donna Coombs
Cynthia Rosenblatt
Dee Dee & Spencer Riley
Dianne Palmer-Quay & Rich Palmer
Doris Taylor
Dorothy Hanson
Douglas & Mary Beth Sassen
Elizabeth Nkuo Johnson & David Johnson
Sandhills Friends
Eloise Foster
Emily Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gluse
FirstLight Home Care of Minneapolis
Fredi Fulmer
Gary & Mary Lunstad
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Helman
Hannah Ellis
Mr. Harry Miley
Ms. Holley Van Horn
Jim & Ann Kvam
James Guignard
Mr. & Mrs. James Clyburn
James & Kelly Remsey
James & Colleen Brunson
Mr. & Mrs. Roeder
Nicole & Jason Palmer
Jeanne Corral
Jennifer Bair
Jennifer McBroom
Dr. & Mr. Howell
Joanna & Drew Whiteside
John & Sina Thorne
John Monk & Jennifer Amor
John Vernon Jaques
Mary Kirk & Jonathan Anderson
Glenn & Julia DeLaney
Karlen Senn
Ms. Katherine Keiffer
Dr. Katherine Dallow
Ms. Kelley Sarvis
Sandhills Friends
Kerry Stubs
Kim & Mark Humphrey
Lands End
Lloyd Kapp, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Passailaigue
Mr. Martin & Mrs. Julia Cagle
Mr. & Mrs. Scarborough
Matt & Lauren Vargo
Maureen Vicaria
Melissa Holmes
Michael & Melissa Thigpen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bellon
Michelle & Philip Keiffer
Nabozny & Associates American Family Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Blackhurst
Pam Covington
Patricia Miller
Eskel and Patricia Miller
Patrick Turner
Peg Ludovina
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Vince
Ms. Rachel Taylor
Ramsay and Graham Bokinsky
Robert Mayer Jr.
JoLynn & Bob Dickamore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Mayer Jr.
Mr. & Mrs Robert Whetsell
Roberta Keller
Ms. Robin Rawl
Ruthena Fink
Sabrina Walker & Amanda Woods
Sandhills Friends
School House Fare
Scott Bernth
Ms. Scotty Frantz
Shane & Katie Moriah
Shannon Fancher
Shelly Senneseth
Steve & Jennifer Stanley
Steve & Beth Stokes
Dan & Susan Guyton
Bob & Susan Avery
Suzanne Groen
Mr. & Mrs. Sy Hughes
T Michelle Hook
Thomas & Donna MacInnis
Tonya Collins
Travis & Emily Hollis
Tricia Wells
Mrs. Trudy Defelice
Valory Olsen
Warner Mayer & Jennifer Jaques
Will Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. William Lamb
William and Cheryl Brearley
Bill & Desirae Holman
William Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Holman
Ms. Wylly Sterling
**Please contact Desirae Holman if you would like to be recognized in a different manner in our end of the year giving report.
Join the 1970 Society
The 1970 Society celebrates Sandhills School’s grassroots founding. In 1970 a group of concerned parents gathered their resources and formed the Columbia Reading Foundation to help tutor their children who were very bright, but struggling to learn to read in traditional classrooms.
Become part of the legacy of generosity and support initiated by Sandhills School’s original Founders. Donors that contribute $1,970 or more each fiscal year to the Sandhills School Annual Fund will be recognized as members of the 1970 Society.
Ways to Give
Note: Sandhills School's fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30. If you are making a calendar year-end gift, please be sure your gift is dated and delivered by the last business date in December to allow time for processing and depositing.
For additional information, contact Erika Senneseth by email or call 803-695-1400.
Sandhills School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and gifts to Sandhills are tax deductible in the manner & to the extent provided by law. Tax I.D. 57-0532678